My First Trip Across the Atlantic came late in life. So late that I’d pretty much given up on the idea that It was a journey I’d ever make. In 2022 I restored contact with someone important to me who emigrated across the Pond over 40 Years ago.
So in November I boarded an AirCanada Flight and headed off across the ocean. I had the arm rests firmly gripped and my pods playing the most calming and distracting sounds I could find. I’m not the most relaxed of flyers .
First stop Montreal. Then a connecting flight on a much smaller plane to Prince Edward Island. I squeezed into my seat next to the largest man on the plane and possibly in Canada itself. The plane had two propellors and could turn on a sixpence. We pretty much Rally’d out to the end of the runway rather than a gentle Taxi. The other passengers were thrown side to side as we twisted our way across the airfield. Not me tho. I was wedged in. Then as soon as we’re airborne The Landing Gear retracted right past my window with all the noise and clanking that makes a nervous flyer feel as if the aircraft is coming apart.
20 hours after leaving home the Landing gear broke open the wings again and came back past my window. We touched down in Charlottetown and disembarked into an airport terminal so quiet and empty I thought I was in a GP’s Waiting room.
And there I was finally reunited with my Father.This was the purpose of the trip. Not Sightseeing but 10 days spending time with a man who had been absent most of my life but who had always remained important to me.
Kensington. Nothing Like its West End Namesake
So as exciting as it was to be in Canada it really wasn’t the main attraction on this trip and I settled into 10 days of everyday life in the smallest, but most densely populated Canadian Province.
Straight away this fact alone speaks of the wilderness that is Canada. The island is almost exactly the same size as the County of Norfolk in the UK. But whereas Norfolk has a population somewhere over 850,000, Prince Edward Island has a population of approximately 150,000. Let me remind you again. It is Canadas most densely populated province.
There are a few hotspots. For example the Capital City. Charlottetown. Population 32,000. To make the comparison with Norfolk again, the population of Norwich is 213,000.
So by UK Standards its a pretty quiet place. Every Shopping Mall felt as though it were 10 minutes after opening on a Monday Morning. Almost no one. The busiest I saw it anywhere was at an Ice Hockey Game in Credit Union Place in the town of Summerside. And here there was another surprise. The Summerside population is not quite 15000. The Ice Hockey Arena seats about 5000. Maybe.
Consolidated Credit Union Place. Home of the Western Capitals Ice Hockey Team
When it's not being an Ice Hockey Stadium its a Concert Hall. Who's played there? Let's see. Bryan Adams ( Well he is Canadian ) Chicago, ZZ Top, The Beach Boys, Kenny Rogers, The Steve Miller Band, James Taylor and Elton John. There were loads of others but these are the ones most easily recognised in the UK
I thought to myself . Look again, surely these are tribute acts. Nope. The real deal. And maybe that also Tells you what kind of a place PEI is. I found it incredibly friendly, a brilliant welcome everywhere and from everyone. These Rock Stars seem to love coming. Bryan Adams has been more than once, more than twice. As far as I can tell he has been half a dozen times. Either he loves it or someone sold him a Timeshare.
The economy here is largely made up of Agriculture, Fishing and Tourism but there are also sizeable BioScience, Aerospace and Renewable Energy industries as well as a host of recycling and environmental initiatives
Kinkora. This was the only place open on Veterans Day. Friday 11th November. Veterans Day is Strictly Observed on the Island and Throughout Canada.
So you get the idea. it's quiet but the people are forward thinking and think big. Away from the bright-lights, it’s incredibly peaceful. Travelling on the roads is a dream. Heavy traffic is 2 cars ahead of you at the lights . The biggest queue’s I saw were at the Tim Hortons Drive Thru.
Tim Hortons almost has Cult Following in Canada. Its Like McDonalds and its nothing like McDonalds. I have to confess I liked them. It felt very much like a Working Mans Cafe. ( Its an expression I don't mean anything by it ) . Everyone was getting on with their day. No pushchairs, parties or Teenagers. A word of Advice though. Don't ask for a Cappuccino. I did and at first they just stared at each other. I pointed to it on the board and then they just stared back at me. then there was a huddle and eventually they let me pay. 20 minutes later I got a Cappucino or at least what they thought was a Cappucino. While I waited I could almost hear other customers watching me and saying to each other. " he ordered a Cappuccino." "Nobody orders a Cappuccino in Tim Hortons" Groundbreaking stuff from me then. I felt like I'd shown the Canadians what the Great British Pioneering Spirit was. For Clarity there is little or no irony intended in that last statement.
So with my Boots firmly planted in the Islands Red soil I tried to weave in a bit of Photography here and there. I did get some done and it's coming up in my next post
Rostico. I was Humming “Holidays are Coming” All Day after I saw This
A few notes on travelling. I flew AirCanada in November 2022. It was an 11 day Trip departing Heathrow Monday Lunchtime and Returning Thursday Night Landing back at Heathrow Friday Mid Morning. There was quite a saving avoiding Weekend Departures Though there were 4 hour stopovers on each for the connecting flights to and from PEI. Montreal was nice, friendly. Toronto Less So though the views over the City inbound were awesome. I traveled with Cabin luggage only carrying a Large DSLR Camera and a 15” Laptop I packed carefully to make sure I met the rules but I saw plenty of people take liberties with the size of their bags and then forcing them into over head lockers. quite funny watching them trying to get them out the other end. There were no checks on sizes on any of the 4 flights I took.
I flew on a basic economy fare and paid extra to book my seat on the transatlantic flights. but didn't bother on the internal flights and that seemed to work well. Flew Airbus out to Montreal and Boeing Back from Toronto. I preferred the Airbus. Seemed much Quieter. Just enough Room on the Airbus for a 6 foot 4 inch Man to survive a 7 hour plus flight out. The Boeing was the same and much quicker back even though it was a greater distance. Service on all flights was Faultless. Hope that might be helpful for anyone like me who does not travel routinely.