In the Beginning. Vlogging. Is it Really Me
My First two videos created and posted to YouTube with almost no activity and even less reaction showing in the Stats after a week. Every YouTube Coach and Mentor On YouTube itself tells you to expect nothing. That hasn’t stopped me opening YouTube Studio Optimistically every half hour to check.
I Can’t say that the finished article of either video pleases me. But what does make me happy is that I did it. I set out to produce a particular type of output in a reasonable timescale. I could have honestly started both from scratch again. Especially the one where my nose was streaming and I was blissfully unaware. It was so Cold. But deadlines have to be part of the YouTube Journey. Dabbling is not an option. And the time commitment cannot eclipse the time needed to be a Photographer. Thats what I am first and foremost. I know why thats important and why it’s my medium of choice and that is not going to change.
I have to find my way with video as an addition rather than an instead of. I can’t put my creativity into that. I haven’t got enough left over. That having been said. I hope that locations and being able to pass along knowledge will carry the content a long way. I just have to learn how to get that over on camera.
Video 1 with the edit screen took an eternity. But at least I know whats involved so I’m going to find another way to do that if I even decide to do more of it. I think I will because I feel I want to help people understand everything from what was seen to what is presented.
I have to get the 3rd one done by Sunday. Touch and go at the minute. Lots of Life distractions.
I was certain this was something I wanted to do but the reality of putting myself forward in this way is dawning. I have to do it once a week I think or risk falling by the wayside.
I saw someone express the early days of Youtube for anyone as screaming into the void. It feels as if there is no one there.
Lets see.